Astronomers have detected two massive jets of energy from a supermassive black hole, extending over 23 million light-years.
Astronomers have discovered the largest pair of black hole jets, stretching 23 million light-years. That’s like lining up 140 Milky Way galaxies one after another!
The new jet, announced in the journal Nature, has been dubbed “Porphyrion” (a giant in Greek mythology) by its discoverers at ...
Scientists have discovered two colossal beams of energy emerging from a supermassive black hole in a distant galaxy.
This pair of particle beams launched by a supermassive black hole is over a hundred times larger than our galaxy, the Milky ...
NASA astronaut Sunita Williams marked her 59th birthday aboard the International Space Station (ISS) on September 19, 2024.
The largest known black hole jets, 23 million light years across, have been discovered in the distant universe. This pair of ...
Scientists have discovered the largest known black hole jet, named Porphyrion, stretching 23 million light years across. This colossal jet raises intriguing questions about its perfectly straight ...
Microscopic black holes formed right after the Big Bang could fly through our solar system once per decade, causing tiny ...
An astrophysicist from the Hatfield-based University of Hertfordshire has helped discover the largest black hole jets ever recorded.
Astronomers found the biggest pair of black hole jets ever observed, stretching 23 million light years. and named this system ...
The newly discovered black hole-driven jets extend over 7 megaparsecs or 23 million light-years.