The people of this community are very fortunate to have Bettyann Sheats running for Maine Senate. I know Bettyann in community and church contexts, and I admire her as a level-headed, thoughtful ...
The immersive attraction area features everything from a replica of the convenience store in the movie "Clerks" to a butter ...
Earth's orbit will capture a bus-sized asteroid later this month, giving us a second moon for about two months.
Embark on an epic journey where you’ll get to know the Inuit people of this remote region, see wildlife in natural ...
The highly-anticipated Stagecoach country music festival lineup was announced earlier this month, and Carter landed among the ...
Legitimizing attempts on Trump’s life goes against America’s long democratic tradition, as the cliché goes, of settling ...
Here, border politics are literally matters of life and death. Federal and local authorities describe a new humanitarian ...
Though a causative link remains speculative, interventions that foster well-being may be a way to make inroads into residual ...
Today, you can hardly discuss anything without mental health coming up. It's a sign of how stressed out, emotionally volatile ...
The sun is midway through its life of fusion. It's about 5 billion years old, and though its life is far from over, it will ...
A series of talks focused on the sun and the major role it plays in the lives of humans kicks off this month at Illinois University Carbondale ...
Photosynthesis changed Earth in powerful ways. When photosynthetic organisms appeared, it led to the Great Oxygenation Event.