行政長官卓越教學獎獲獎教師關志恒︰ 課題是絲綢之路 海上絲綢之路 阿拉伯文明 另外也包含課本上的知識 例如宗教發展 科技發展 甚至火藥等發展方向 旁白︰ 關志恒是中學教師 從事教育工作 ...
The premiere of “Enchanting China”, a documentary series produced by the Environment & Ecology Bureau and the Environmental ...
Secretary for Justice Paul Lam will depart on visits to Brunei, Vietnam and Malaysia from September 22, to promote Hong ...
律政司司長林定國明日啟程訪問文萊、越南、馬來西亞三個東南亞國家聯盟成員國,推廣香港的法律及爭議解決服務,並加強香港與東盟的合作交流,下星期六返港。 林定國在文萊斯里巴加灣市將拜會相關政府官員,並與當地法律和爭議解決業界會面。
The Security Bureau Youth Uniformed Group Leaders Forum holds its annual review today, giving youth members the chance to ...
A total of 750 people take part in a stretching exercise at D·PARK in Tsuen Wan, setting a new Guinness World Record for the ...
Hong Kong’s unique advantages, along with favourable government support, are driving accelerated growth in its financial ...
Financial Secretary Paul Chan will depart on September 22 for Europe, where he will visit Madrid and London, before returning ...
為慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年,勞工處和職業安全健康局今日在荃灣愉景新城舉行「全民動樂迎國慶 千人齊做伸展操」活動,750名參加者刷新最多人同時做拉力帶伸展操的健力士世界紀錄。